Help! I’m having a spiritual awakening!
Yes, this is a major thing. It is happening to couples all over the world. It is rare that couples grow at the same rate. Each soul has their own time line and trajectory.
If you are on the fast track and your partner is still shopping in the GMO section, it’s okay to feel frustration. Your boundaries are changing. Things that were once tolerated are no longer. Your negotiables are becoming non-negotiable. You my dear are right on track!
The important thing is, so is your partner. Their soul may be enrolled in an entirely different contract than yours. Perhaps they came to learn their lessons in a different way. Perhaps they came to work with an entirely different course of material than you did. Theirs is no less important or sacred than your own.
The wisdom is how to navigate the ever increasing differences. If there is great love between the two of you, that is all you need. What this means is being in your heart. You keep doing you. Keep growing, keep expanding, and stay in your heart. And when you need to communicate your frustration, communicate them from your heart. Not your analytical brain that is dissecting what they aren’t doing right.
Become a living embodiment of your growth and ground it into your heart.
That way, as your partner witnesses you in your alchemy, their heart has no choice but to blossom in their love for you.
Don’t tell your partner what they need to be doing. Just do it yourself. Be the example. Show them how much joy and happiness your growth is bringing to you. Share with them what lights you up. What excites you. What moves your soul.
And through all of this, reaffirm your love for them. It can be scary for the other when one of you starts changing at a rapid pace. We are creatures of comfort. So as you change and grow, the way you affirm your love for your partner may need to change and grow as well.
This dynamic is not easy. It takes massive amounts of compassion and patience from both ends.
You are not alone.
Sacred S£xuality Course offers a guide map to deeper growth and connection as partners. It allows a container where both of you are invited deeper into your own power and evolution.